Light beam into the Heart
I cherish the part you play to fill empty voids
Your melody rings louder than the sound of a thousand birds
The brightest stars bow down to your Eternal Light
Warmth resides under your wings in our Freedom Flight
Who art thou?
Two-Spirit desires a path to the deeper essence of your being.
Your (His)story of joy, pain and suffering
May I Crown the curves your many moods make?
Grant me this wish, Love Warrior
At the very least
A beginning
To love through Understanding.
A tribune by Adejoke Tugbiyele
Image : Adejoke Tugbiyele, Love Warrior – Compositions, 2019. Grass brooms, church sticks, wire, thread, black paint, royal blue spray paint. 230 x 100 x 60cm. Courtesy of the Artist.
The Art Momentum Tribunes invite contemporary artists to write about the subject of their choice, in their own words. Adejoke Tugbiyele opens this new section with a poem titled: “Love Warrior”.
To participate in Tribunes, please send a short email to: theartmomentum[at]
Articles are published in their original language | Les articles sont publiés dans leur langue d’origine